Architecture of Antiquity
Developed in 2018, this project aims to document the most preserved and resorted structures from classical antiquity, in an attempt to construct a hypothetical Greco-Roman city through multiple examples around the world.
1. The Cardo
a. Jarash, Jordan

b. Apamea, Syria

2. The Plaza
a. Jarash, Jordan (Completed)

3. The Agora & Stoa
a. Athens, Greece

b. Ephesus, Turkey

c. Alinda, Turkey
d. Seleukeia,Turkey

e. Milet, Turkey (ruins, but suggested by Henry)

f. Sardis, Turkey

4. The Temple
a. Nîmes, France (Completed)

b. Baalbek, Lebanon

c. Dougga, Tunisia

d. Sbeitla, Tunisia

e. Rotunda of Galerius, Greece
f. Segesta & Agrigento, Sicily Italy
g. Apollo at Didyma (ruins, but suggested by Henry)
h. Aphaia, Aegina (ruins, but suggested by Henry, says it shows interior columns)
i. Paestum, Italy (ruins, but suggested by Henry)
j. Rome (suggested by Patric)
k. Hatra, Iraq (suggested by Patric)
l. Garni temple, Armenia (suggested by Patric)
m. Temple of Augustus Pula, Croatia (Complete)

n. Temple of Hephaestus, Athens, Greece (Completed)

o. Ephesus, Turkey

5. The Gymnasium
a. Termessos, Turkey

b. Pompeii, Italy
c. Salamis,Cyprus

d. Olympia, Greece(suggested by Henry)
e. Sardis, Turkey

6. The Stadium
a. Aphrodisias, Turkey

b. Coliseum, Rome (Completed)

c. Nimes, France (Completed)

d. El Djem, Tunisia (Completed)

e. Pula, Croatia (Complete)

f. Delphi, Greece (suggested by Henry)
7. The Theater/ Odeions
a. MĂ©rida, Spain
b. Bosra, Syria (Completed)

c. Sabratha, Libya
d. Orange, france

e. Petra, Jordan (Completed)

f. Aspendos, Turkey <-Most impressive

8. The Library
a. Ephasus, Turkey

b. Hadrians library, Athens (suggested by Patric)

9. Baths
a. Bath,UK

b. Trier, Germany
c. Baths of Caracalla, Italy
d. Miletus, Turkey (Suggestion by Henry)

e. Pompeii, Italy (Suggestion by Henry)
f. Herculaneum,Italy (suggested by Patric)
g. Dioclecian, Rome (suggested by Patric)
h. Carthage, Tunis (Completed but not much remains visually)
10. Nymphaea
a. Jarash, Jordan

b. Ephesus, Turkey (patric)

c. Olympia, Greece(suggested by Patric)
d. Aspendos, Turkey

e. Sagalassos, Turkey
11. Houses/ Insula
a. Ostia Antica, Italy
b. Pompeii, Italy
c. Herculaneum,Italy (suggested by Patric)
d. Dead cities, Syria (suggested by Patric)

12. Villas
a. Villa of the Papyri, Italy
b. Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy
c. Pompeii, Italy
d. Oplontis(suggested by Patric)
e. Castellamare di stabia(suggested by Patric)
f. Piazza Armerina, Sicily (suggested by Patric)
13. Palaces
a. Diocletian's Palace, Split, Croatia

b. Rome palatine (suggested by Patric)
14. Basilicas/ Churches
a. Basilica of Constantine, Trier Germany
b. Leptis Magna, Libya
c. Basilica of Constantine, Rome Italy
d. Basilica Pompeii, Rome, Italy
e. Saint Simion Basilica, Syria

f. Aspendos, Turkey

15. Roads/ highways
a. VNT Aina, Jordan

b. Via Antica Appia. Rome (Suggested by Henry)
16. Harbors/ Lighthouses
a. Tower of Hercules, A Coruña, Spain
b. Capri villa jovis(Suggested by Henry)
17. City walls
a. Lugo Spain
b. Rome, Italy
c. Assos, Turkey (suggested by Henry)

d. Pompeii (suggested by Patric)
e. Istanbul, Turkey

18. Gates
a. Trier, Germany
b. Rome, at the Pyramid (suggested by Patric)
c. Patara, Turkey

19. Arches
a. Arches of Diocletian and Septimus Severus & Constantine (Henry suggestion) Rome, Italy
b. Volubilis arch, Morocco (Completed)

c. Timgad, Algeria
d. Jarash, Jordan

e. Triumphal Arch of Orange, France

f. Arch of Caracalla at Djemila, Algeria
g. Arch of Septimius Severus,leptis magna, Lybia
h. Benevento,close to Pompeii (suggested by Patric)
20. Monuments
a. Petra, Jordan

b. Mount Nimrut, Turkey
c. Possibly include colossi or possibly obelisks
d. Itheodosius monument Istanbul (suggested by Patric)
e. Tropaeum alpium (suggested by Patric)
f. Pantheon Rome

g. Horologion of Andronikos Cyrrhestes

21. Tetrapylon
a. Leptis Magna, Libya
b. Aphrodisias, Turkey

c. Jarash, Jordan

22. Aquaducts
a. Pont du Gard, france

b. Segovia, Spain

c. Les Ferreres Aqueduct, Spain
d. Rome, Porta Maggiore, and suburban areas (suggested by Patric)
e. Tunis

f. Aspendos, Turkey

23. Cisterns
a. Basilica cistern(Completed), Cistern of Philoxenos,Theodosius Cistern. Istanbul Turkey

b. Piscina Mirabilis, Napels, Italy
c. Tunisia

24. Tombs/ Mausoleums/Catacombs/Columbariums
a. The Mausoleum of Hadrian, usually known as the Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome Italy (Completed)

b.Petra, Jordan

c. Myra-Lycian Tombs, Turkey

d. Muallaqat al-Dayr, Amman- Jordan

E.Petra, Jordan

25. Military structures/ Barracks forts
a. Bashir, Jordan

b. Hadrians Wall, UK

c. Portchester castle, UK
26. Bridges
a. Alcantara Bridge, Spain
b. Puente Romano, MĂ©rida
c. Severan Bridge, Turkey
d. Cordoba, Spain
e. Fulvio bridge
27. Praetorium (public office)
a. Um Al Jimal, Jordan
b. Lambaesis , Algeria
c. Bouleuterion of Priene, Turkey

d. Bouleuterion Patara in Lycia, Turkey (Dr. Henry suggestion)

e.Termessos, Turkey

28. Macellum/ Markets
a. Jarash, Jordan

b. Leptis Magma, Lybia
c. Pompeii, Italy
d. Umm Qais, Jordan

e. Ostia, Italy
f. Mercati traiani, rome (suggested by Patric)
29. The Forum
a. Rome Forum, Italy
b. Pompeii, Italy(suggested by Henry)
c. Ostia, Italy(suggested by Patric)
d. Thessaloniki(suggested by Patric)
30. Horreum
a. Ostia, Italy