Exhibitions, lectures, and assorted events from 2013 to present

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’Madakhil al-Majhul/مداخل المجهول’ A six week exhibition held at Jasmine House gallery which features and eclectic selection of doorways and entrances taken over the course of 15 years of travels.


’Jordan’s Timeless Treasures’ a month long exhibition held at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Tokyo. The exhibition focuses on Jordan’s UNESCO world heritage sites.


‘Photographic Explorations of The Badia’ lecture at the CBRL-Amman (Centre for British Research in the Levant) covering multiple sites that I have visited and photographed throughout Jordan’s eastern desert.


‘Unique and Outstanding’ exhibition in collaboration with the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, in Manama Bahrain. Featuring 36 images covering 6 of Jordan’s UNESCO world heritage sites, this exhibition is slated to run for 6 months.


‘Aloft’ Book launch and exhibition at the Zara Cantre in Amman, Jordan.

Participating in the 12th edition of the Amman Image Festival in Jordan, I featured 28 Images from my archive of images taken with the aerial archeology project in Jordan.


An interview I did with my friend Stefan Branisavljevic, Journalist and podcaster.


A talk I gave to the members of the Anglo-Jordanian society in London, the subject covered my work and passion as a photographer over a decade of work.


‘The Noble Sanctuary’ Book launch and exhibition located at the W.F Albright Institute in Jerusalem.

A collaboration with the Albright Institute and the educational bookshop, this event was a combined book launch and exhibition that focused on the ‘The Noble Sanctuary’ book, the exhibition featured 26 images featuring daily life in the complex.


Podcast I did with Sacred Footsteps in 2022 but published in 2023, the topic involved Islamic sites in Jordan



‘The Noble Sanctuary’ Book launch and exhibition located in Amman Jordan.

This event was a combined book launch and 4 day exhibition that focused on the newly released book called ‘The Noble Sanctuary: A photographic and historical exploration of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque, the exhibition featured 130 images and panoramas as well as 15 58” LCD screens.

Unique and Outstanding’ book launch and exhibition at The Cultural Hub Bayt Yaish in Amman Jordan.

This event was a combined book launch and exhibition that focused on the newly released book called Unique and Outstanding Jordan’s World Heritage Sites, the exhibition featured 35 images and panoramas focusing on Jordan’s UNESCO Heritage sites.

Exploring Jordan’ talk at the Jordanian Embassy, Washington DC, USA

This event, Hosted by the Ambassador of Jordan to the USA Dina Kawar, featured a talk and show of images focusing on my work in Jordan over the past decade.


‘Sacred Architecture: An exploration of Al-Aqsa Mosque's complex’ Lecture at the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, UK.

This presentation explores the art and architecture of the Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem and is an introduction to my work there.

Exploring Jordan’ Talk at the University of Leicester Archeology Department, Leicester, UK.

This talk focused on my personal exploration of Jordan with an emphasis on the threats and dangers posed to cultural and heritage sites in the Kingdom.


The Farthest Mosque’ Exhibition at Nabad Art Gallery, Amman Jordan. (Part of the Amman Image Festival 2021)

This exhibition featured forty-five images from my documentary study of al Aqsa mosque complex in Jerusalem, it particularly focuses on the interaction between the local Palestinian population and the landmarks of the complex.


Stars and Stone’ Exhibition at Yarmouk Library, Irbid, Jordan.

This exhibition featured 45 images from a night photography project carried out in Jordan in 2017 that emphasised the state of Jordans heritage at night.


Stars and Stone’ Exhibition at Nabad Art Gallery, Amman Jordan. (Part of the Amman Image Festival 2019)

This exhibition featured 45 images from a night photography project carried out in Jordan in 2017 that emphasised the state of Jordans heritage at night.


A Map and a Lens’ Book launch at the Jordan Museum, Amman, Jordan.

A special event celebrating the launch of the book titled A Map and a Lens: Jordan Sight unseen Stories Untold, a book that explores Jordan’s historic and religious heritage through images and text.


A Map and a Lens’ photo exhibition, Dar Al Anda, Amman, Jordan.

An Exhibition that featured 109 images that explored Jordans archeological heritage.